Pro Loco Michele Caputo
Moschiano (Av)

Non-political, non-profit cultural and social association
Last Updated October 27, 2024
On the occasion of the First Centenary of the Unknown Soldier (4 November 1921-2021) we launch the initiative "Soldiers of Italy" to remember and honor all the citizens of Moschiano who faithfully served their homeland during the 1st World War.
The initiative takes its name from the phrase carved on the plaque for the fallen of the First World War which is located in Piazza IV Novembre in Moschiano on the facade of the church.
"Soldiers of Italy
Citizens of Moschiano
Honor to the Fallen
Pride to the Comrades
Worship for posterity"

The first series was dedicated to the fallen and decorated. We'll talk about veterans later.
Starting from Saturday 29 October 2022 until Sunday 6 November a series of 9 episodes were published on Facebook daily in chronological order starting from 1800 up to the present day.
In them they told who these 22 people were, where they served, the events that led to their deeds and their sacrifice and the places that witnessed all this, all framed in the history of Italy and the first war world.
The videos of the nine episodes can be seen below or you can read the individual stories of our fellow citizens as told in the videos and accompanied by their respective photos by clicking on their names in the list below.
This initiative has as its objective not only to express the gratitude of the Moschianesi to all their fellow citizens who sacrificed their youth and life for a noble ideal and for a better future, but also to educate civil conscience and at the same time repudiate the war as a tool for resolving conflicts (Art. 11 Italian Constitution) channeling the often hidden abilities of the new generations in the use of new technologies and social media onto a social, educational and public utility path.
This seemed to us to be an appropriate and up-to-date way to honor those who sacrificed themselves over a hundred years ago in the name of an ideal and were protagonists of our history.
Click on an icon below to listen/watch an episode (in chronological order) or on the name of a Fallen/Decorated to read the story.
List of Moschiano soldiers fallen during the First World War.
Click on the name for a transcript and photo of the story in the video or on the episode link for the full video
Name Video
Gilberto Addeo Fallen Episode 4
Gustavo Airoldi Died in captivity Episode 6
Antonio Bruscino Died from illness Episode 8
Felice Dalia Died from illness Episode 8
Gaetano Dalia Died from illness Episode 8
Vincenzo Dalia Fallen Episode 2
Di Lauro Sabato Fallen Episode 4
Antonio Fiore Missing in captivity Episode 6
Vincenzo Manfredi Fallen Episode 5
Gaetano Marotta Died in captivity Episode 7
Fortunato Marotta Fallen Episode 3
Angelo Mazzocca Fallen Episode 7
Santolo Mazzocca Fallen Episode 3
Saverio Mazzocchi Fallen Episode 5
Francesco Moschiano Fallen Episode 4
Gaetano Pacia Fallen Episode 5
Giovanni Pacia Fallen Episode 6
List of Soldiers from Moschiano decorated during the First World War.
Click on the name for a transcript and photo of the story in the video or on the episode link for the full video
Name Decoration Video
Antonio Aschettino Bronze Medal at the VM Episode 4
Mario D'Amore Med. D'Argento at the VM Episode 8
Carmine Manfredi Med. Bronze to the VM Episode 7
Carmine Pacia Bronze Medal at the VM Episode 3
Domenico Santaniello Med. Bronze at the VM Episode 7
Dalia Vincenzo
Dalia Vincenzo (in the photo in the gallery on the left) falls on November 21st
Vincenzo was born in Moschiano on 20 July 1893 to Antonio Dalia and Rosa Vallone.
He was part of the 30th Infantry Regiment Pisa Brigade.
In the same infantry regiment we will find two other Moschianesi fallen but in other battles: Marotta Gaetano and Mazzocca Santolo (with Dalia Vincenzo in the photo)
Vincenzo died between Monte San Michele and Monte San Martino in the so-called 'Dente del Tangle' attack.
His death certificate can be seen in the photos
Here is how the episode of the battle for the Pisa Brigade is described in the army annals:
«He took part in the 4th battle of the Isonzo with the objective of conquering the stretch in front between the crossroads south of S. Martino and the chapel of S. Martino.The assault, attempted several times with admirable tenacity on 10, 11 and 12 November against the position called "Il Groviglio" and against the salient called "Dente del Groviglio", gave no results due to the fierce resistance and the very violent fire of the enemy. Even the repeated attempts from 18 to 23 November only allow slight advantages to be obtained towards the so-called "Triangular Element" and the "Tangle Tooth"."
The losses suffered by the brigade in these bloody actions amounted to a total of over 1000 men out of action, of which 38 were officers.
![]() Nome in elenco caduti |
![]() 30 Rgt Brigata Pisa |
![]() Dalia Vincenzo con Mazzocca Santolo |
![]() Retro foto-cartolina 1 |
![]() Mappa luoghi battaglia |
![]() Atto di morte |
![]() Situazione Brigata Pisa al 18 Novembre |
Pacia Carmine
1916 begins with the awarding of the bronze medal for Military Valor to Carmine Pacia.
Born on 3 May 1892 to Gaetano Pacia and Carmela Dalia, at the beginning of 1916 he was a second lieutenant in the 53rd Infantry Brigade of Umbria.
With his Brigade he took part in war actions in the Dolomites in 1915. At the end of 1915 and beginning of 1916 the brigade operates in the sectors of the Ansiei, Padola and Visdende valleys.
It is precisely in these circumstances that the On 21 January 1916 Sub.Lt Pacia volunteered for an action to "disturb" the enemy forces and perhaps preventatively, which first earned him a solemn commendation on 15 October 1916, then changed to a Bronze medal for the VM with the following motivation:
«Spontaneously he offered to carry out, above an enemy refuge, a daring coup aimed at destroying it or at least damaging it by throwing bombs. He effectively assisted his captain, who directed the patrol in the undertaking, overcoming very serious difficulties of terrain and danger, and managing to throw the bombs, which sowed fear and death among the enemies who were in the refuge - Val Rinbianco 21 January 1916»
On 2 May 1916 he was promoted to Lieutenant with an effective date of 8 June 1916. After the war ended in 1937 he was promoted to "First Captain".
We find him again in 1940 as director of the professional training school and Professor of Italian, History and Geography in Rovigo and then in Como. He wrote some literary essays and the Municipality of Moschiano dedicated a street to him in 1979.
He is the author of the inscription on the plaque in Moschiano in memory of the fallen of the great war
![]() Nomina Sottotenente |
![]() Brigata Umbria |
![]() Motivazione Medaglia |
![]() Nomina Tenente |
![]() Nomina Primo Capitano |
![]() Direttore Scuola Professionale Rovigo |
![]() Lapide Caduti Prima Guerra Mondiale |
Mazzocca Santolo
Due to and to cope with the Punitive Expedition (Strafexpedition) on 29 June 1916 we must record the loss of Mazzocca Santolo
Santolo on the right in the photo with Dalia Vincenzo was the son of Carmine Mazzocca and Carmina Furaro, and was born on 9 November 1893.
He served in the 30th Infantry Regiment Pisa Brigade together with Dalia Vincenzo and Marotta Gaetano.
He died on 29 June 1916 near Sagrado – Sdraussina during the first attack by the Austrians with poisonous gas as attested in his death certificate.
The 30 Infantry Rgt stationed in Nocera Inferiore, and which had a recruitment center in Nola, began moving to the area of operation the day after entering the war. From the beginning he participated in various battles including those of the Isonzo.
At the beginning of the 16th we find him still east of Gradisca near the "Groviglio" and taking part in the V Battle of the Isonzo and in the diversionary action of the Austrians who in the meantime had attacked Asiago.
During those days, precisely to prevent the enemy from transferring troops for this battle, the 30th regiment with the Pisa Brigade took part in offensive actions to keep it busy. On June 29, however, in the area of Sagrado and Sdraussina the Austrians launched poison gas for the first time, under the action of which the few units of the 30th RGT were forced to abandon the positions they were holding. The survivors of the Pisa brigade together with those of the Regina brigade counterattack violently and manage to first hold back and then completely push back the enemy.
That day the losses of the Pisa brigade were 31 officers and 416 soldiers dead, 51 officers and 171 soldiers wounded and 1 officer and 933 soldiers missing. Santolo rests in the military shrine of Redipuglia.
![]() Mazzocca Santolo con Dalia Vincenzo |
![]() 30 Rgt Brigata Pisa |
![]() Attacco Austriaco con gas asfissianti 19 Giu 1916 |
![]() Atto di Morte |
![]() Nome in elenco caduti |
Fortunato Marotta
Fortunato was missing towards the end of the Seventh Battle of the Isonzo. Son of Vincenzo Marotta and Francesca Carbone Fortunato was born on 13 November 1883 and was a soldier in the 9th Infantry Regiment of the Regina Brigade.
The Regina Brigade was almost completely exterminated during the first gas attack on 29 June 1916.
Fortunato was saved on that occasion but three months later on 17 September he was lost in combat near Lokvica (Slovenia)
The story of the battle:
"The Regina Brigade met near Devetaki on 13 September to take part, together with the Pisa brigade, in the 7th battle of the Isonzo. On 14 September the XI Corps of the 3rd Army was ordered to attack. The brigade Regina is assigned as the objective the envelopment of the Lokvica positions and the conquest of Pecinka. At the beginning of the operations, the Regina is deployed on the wing astride the rolling stock q. 87-q. 187, in reserve; on the 15th it goes into action .
On the 16th, together with units of the Pisa brigade, some companies of the 9th managed to get past the fences and reach the enemy trenches, where the adversaries put up a fierce resistance, which could not be overcome.
The attack was renewed on the 17th. While units of the 10th attempted in vain to overcome the enemy's resistance, the III battalion of the 9th with a brilliant assault conquered the trench within which, the enemy having recovered from the surprise of the lightning-fast invasion, stormed them with live throwing of hand grenades."
On the 17th alone the cost of the 9th regiment was 583 losses of which 19 were officers.
![]() Nome Lista caduti |
![]() 9 Rgt Fanteria |
![]() Cartolina 9 Rgt Fanteria Brigata Regina |
![]() Caduti Gas Venefici - Brigata Regina |
![]() 7 Batt. Isonzo - Area disperso Marotta Fortunato |
Gilberto Addeo
The VIII battle of the Isonzo sees the loss of Gilberto Addeo.
Born in Moschiano on 6 August 1891 to Francesco Addeo and Antonia Dalia. At the age of 14 he emigrated to America with his mother and sister Eleonora to join his father. When their father died in 1907 they returned to Italy. He married Francesca Mazzocca with whom he had a son (Vincenzo) born a few months before his death.
Called up at the outbreak of the war he was stationed in Barletta with the 12th Bersaglieri Regiment 2nd Company. At his fall on the 12th and 6th Rgt Bersaglieri were part of the 1st Bersaglieri Brigade 45th Division. Died following wounds sustained in combat during the conquest of Quota 265 near Veliki Hribach - Pecinka (Slovenia) on 12 October 1916
His remains were never found.
In the story of the 1st Bersaglieri Brigade we read:
"On the night of the 12th the (First) brigade (Bersaglieri) massed on the western slopes of altitude 265 to settle between said altitude and altitude 263, on the positions occupied by a battalion of the 78th infantry. The enemy with his fire makes it difficult and the attack was painful and had to be suspended. Before dusk it was resumed with new vehemence, but the result was not equal to the effort, as the artillery fire was very violent and the enemy, protected by his fortifications, was tenacious in defence. The action has yet to be suspended. The brigade's losses amounted to 42 officers and 1029 members. From 10 to 12 October there were approximately 24,500 losses among the Italians, and 40,500 among the Austrians.
![]() Nome albo dei Caduti |
![]() Foto 23 anni (destra) e (forse) con il fratello Francesco |
![]() Gilberto Addeo Agosto 1915 |
![]() Retro Foto Agosto 1915 |
![]() Linee inizio offensiva di Ottobre |
![]() Quota 265 |
![]() 8 Battaglia Isonzo- Situazione iniziale e finale - Dettagli |
![]() Targa presso quota 265 (Veliki Hribak |
![]() Traduzione Targa presso quota 264 |
![]() Cippo Monte Pecinka |
![]() Diploma Croce al Merito |
Antonio Aschettino
Son of Dr. Gaetano Aschettino, former doctor of Moschiano at the end of the 19th century, and of Raffaela Allocca, Aschettino Antonio was born on 11 December 1886. He also graduated in medicine and in December 1915 obtained the rank of medical second lieutenant and was destined for the direction of Naples Healthcare. He was the brother of the lawyer Crescenzio Aschettino as well as the uncle of Michele Caputo.
In October 1916 he was decorated with a Bronze medal for Military Valor with the following motivation: "Medical second lieutenant of the infantry regiment - Constantly disengaged his duties with calm, activity and singular ability, effectively contributing to the first aid of the wounded in an exposed area to enemy fire, and continuing his rescue work calmly and serenely, even after an enemy grenade had exploded near the dressing station. Oppacchiasella - October 1916".
In February 1917 he was promoted to lieutenant doctor.
Probably, as reported by Paolo Ciotti, he witnessed the shooting of 3 soldiers of the Treviso Brigade guilty of having stolen linen on 2 November 1917 near Nervesa della Battaglia during the retreat from Caporetto. We quote "Medical Lieutenant Aschettino, who was forced to witness the execution, said that the soldiers of the team that was supposed to fire were crying and so were the Company Officers who were forced to be present at the tragic scene."
He was later promoted to Captain. We find his name reported in the Italian Health Guide of the year 1924 as a doctor from Moschiano next to the name of his father (Gaetano) a medical doctor. His name appears in the same guide on page 357 as a surgeon in Naples at the "Salita Museo, 56
He died on 1 April 1933 as also reported in the Official Bulletin of the Ministry of War dispensation 31 of 12 May 1933.
He is buried in Moschiano in the family chapel alongside his nephew Michele Caputo.
![]() Nomine Sottotenete e Tenente Medico |
![]() Motivazione decorazione |
![]() Fucilazioni |
![]() Elenco medici ed annuncio Morte |
![]() Tomba |
Francesco Moschiano
Francesco Moschiano was born in Moschiano on 24 August 1892 to Moschiano Nicola and Orsola del Gaiz and served his country in the 131st Lazio Brigade Infantry Regiment.
He died on 6 November 1916 in Villesse (Go) following injuries sustained during the 9th battle of the Isonzo
This episode is described as follows in the historical annals of the Army:
“On 3 November the "Lazio", having passed under the dependence of the 47th division, was ordered to carry out an advance in the direction of Versic and Selo; on the 4th his battalions reach "Muretto" n. 4 on the Oppacchiasella - Castagnavizza road and the sinkhole south of q. 202;
the extremely violent opponent reaction does not allow us to proceed further; the losses are 21 officers and 1395 enlisted men."
![]() Medaglie 131 Rgt Brigata Lazio |
![]() Moschiano Francesco mappa caduta |
![]() Nome in lista caduti |
Di Lauro Sabato
Sabato was the last casualty of 1916
Born in Forino on 23 May 1883 to Carmine Di Lauro and Filomena Pacia, he served his country in the 216 Tevere Brigade Infantry Regiment.
He fell victim to an avalanche on the Dolomites near Cencenighe Agordino (Belluno) on 15 December while with his regiment they were guarding the positions assigned to them between the first and second lines of the front.
This is how the episode is remembered in the annals of the 216th regiment: "Meanwhile, the garrison seeks shelter in the defense works that have not yet been consolidated, and the counterattacks are also in vain, since snow and blizzards are now added to the difficult conditions of the terrain." which paralyze operations."
![]() Nome nella lista dei caduti |
![]() Brigata Tevere |
![]() Lapide Brigata Tevere |
Saverio Mazzocchi
Born in Monteforte on 6 October 1894 to Giuseppe Mazzocchi and Rosa Settembre, in the official registers of the fallen he is reported with the surname of Mazzocca.
He served in the 209 Infantry Regiment with the Bisagno Brigade. He died on May 23, 1917 during the tenth battle of the Isonzo.
This is the official story of those days: "During the X battle of Isonzo the Bisagno i busty with the men of the Barletta in a demonstrative action. On May 14 a battalion comes under enemies position on quota 363 but his momentum is stopped by Austrian machine gun fire."
This action resumed on the 23rd, with the troops under the command of the 28th division: despite the enemy fire, this time the action was somewhat successful. In addition to the location, the men take numerous prisoners and a large number of weapons and ammunition. The violent enemy counterattacks, however, forced the troops to fall back to their starting positions that same evening. The days of the offensive on the Isonzo caused the loss of 1848 troops and 66 officers."
Based on memories handed down by Moschiano Carmine, a veteran from Moschiano who served at the field hospital #079, it seems that Saverio was executed together with others.
This executions were a tragic page of the First World War. Soldiers were often shot for trivial reasons as we have already seen when talking about Aschettino Antonio.
Moschiano Carmine had a package that Mazzocchi's mother had sent him but he never managed to deliver it to her.
![]() Nome in lista caduti |
![]() 209 Reggimento Fanteria |
![]() Mappa luogo caduta |
Gaetano Pacia
Son of Domenico Pacia and Sofia Rubinacci Gaetano was born in Moschiano on 19 February 1891 and served his country in the 34th Field Artillery Regiment.
This is the same regiment where Prince Amedeo of Savoy, Duke of Aosta served in 1915 as a second lieutenant.
It fell on 5 June 1917 on Monte Debeli near Monfalcone.
We know that there is a book written in 1992 on the regiment by Attilio Vascotto but we were unable to obtain it.
However, we know that during the tenth battle of the Isonzo the 34 regiment provided support to the 20 infantry division (position on the map on 23 May) to which it had been assigned on 4 June.
![]() Nome in lista caduti |
![]() Cartolina Artiglieria da Campagna |
![]() Mappa dispiegamento reggimento |
![]() Libro Attilio Vascotto |
Vincenzo Manfredi
During the Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo on 19 August Manfredi Vincenzo falls
Vincenzo (in the photo on the left perhaps with Gilberto Addeo) He was born in Moschiano on 7 September 1896 to Aniello and Anna Manfredi
He was the brother of Carmine Manfredi, also a Bersaglieri who we will talk about later. He was initially sent to the front on 10 March 1916 with the second Bersaglieri reg. He was wounded in the shoulder on 16 June 1916 but returned to the front with the 18th Rgt Bersaglieri on 4 February 1917.
The 18 Rgt was formed on 31 January 1917 and its battalions came from the depots of the Bersaglieri Regiments 10, 11 and 12. On 18 March 1917 they joined the 17 Rgt Bersiglieri forming the III Bersaglieri Brigade Between 20 and 21 July the Brigade moved to Sagrado in the Castagnevizza sector. This is the map of the attack plan. This is how that event is reported:
"At the beginning of the second half of August the III Brigade was entrusted with the task of conquering height 346. On the night of 18 August the troops closed in below, completing the deployment and the following morning the first waves quickly moved away from our trenches aiming on the intermediate position of height 315, which was soon reached. But the violence of the fire from the opposing artillery, the continuous counterattacks in strength and the difficulty of maintaining the connections, meant that, after a very bloody fight lasting the whole day, ours are forced to fall back into their original trenches.
The destruction action (of the artillery) resumed very intensely at 5am on the 19th and was continued until 5.33am, the time set for the infantry to launch. at that time the troops of the 4th and 14th divisions simultaneously began the attack on the enemy positions. ... The III Bersaglieri Bgt took possession of the entire enemy front line and, although hindered by the very lively fire of the enemy's machine guns, continued but he remained with his sides exposed and exposed to the deadly shots of the enemy machine guns positioned on the northern slopes of q. 251 and on the southern slopes of q. 363 so it became necessary to have the troops stop on the positions they had reached while waiting for the units operating on the wings to continue. The forced halt caused significant losses to the advanced units which were therefore forced to retreat somewhat. ,,, When the evening arrived the troops of the army corps ... were forced to partially fall back to their starting positions. The III Brg Bersaglieri on the observation line west of Castagnevizza."".
Vincenzo died following wounds sustained in combat during this offensive to conquer the Stol group (Height 346). His remains have never been found
Together with him from the 18th Rgt, 10 officers and 112 soldiers died in that battle and 22 were missing.
![]() VIncenzo Manfredi e Gilberto Addeo |
![]() Foglio matricolare |
![]() Nome Albo dei Caduti |
![]() 18 Rgt Bersaglieri |
![]() Carta 7 XVIII CA 10 Giugno 1917 |
![]() Piani offensiva Temnica-Voiscizza |
![]() Carta 22 18 Ago 1917 |
![]() Attestato alla memoria |
![]() Targa Castagnevizza |
![]() Ossario I Guerra Mondiale Castagnevizza (distrutto) |
Antonio Fiore
Not having much information about Fiore Antonio, we thought of placing him immediately after Caporetto because he was perhaps a victim of that battle.
We know that he was the son of Giovanni Fiore and Marianna Borrasi and was born on 9 July 1891.
He served in the 20th Bersaglieri Regiment, IV Brigade, which was part of the 20th Division and was formed. at the beginning of 1917.
Antonio was missing in captivity. But we have have been unable to confirm the date, battle or place
The map shows the position of the division before Caporetto.
![]() Nome lista caduti |
![]() Mappa posizione divisione prima di Caporetto |
![]() Medaglie 20mo Bersaglieri |
Giovanni Pacia
Son of Gaetano Pacia and Filomena Fiore. Giovanni was born on 6 August 1898. He was a soldier in the 13 Pinerolo Brigade Infantry Regiment. It fell near Zenson on November 21, 1917
The story of those days: "On November 10th the Pinerolo was in S. Biagio di Callalta, on the right of the Piave, and on the 13th and 14th it took part in the attempts to reconquer the Zenson bend."
![]() Nome lista Caduti |
![]() Stemma Brigata Pinerolo |
![]() Mappa posizione Brigata Pinerolo |
![]() Libro sul 13 Fanteria |
Gustavo Airoldi
We know very little about Airoldi Gustavo.
He was born in Naples on November 22, 1891. We know that his father was called Giuseppe but we do not know his mother's name.
It was probably part of the 10th health company, the 66th Section.
He died on February 14, 1918 in prison, but we don't know where.
![]() Nome lista Caduti |
![]() Cartolina Corpo Sanita' Militare |
Gaetano Marotta
On 18 March 1918 Gaetano Marotta died. Gaetano was born on February 29, 1888 to Gabriele Marotta and Clorinda Settembre.
He served in the 30th Infantry Rgt Pisa Brigade. The same as Dalia Vincenzo and Mazzocca Santolo. He was taken prisoner during the defeat at Caporetto and transferred to the Sigmundsherberg prison camp in Austria where he died a few months later.
Sigmundsherberg, is a town in Lower Austria, which currently has around 2,000 inhabitants. The prison camp, built towards the end of 1914 for the concentration of Russian prisoners, became a prison camp for Italian soldiers only in 1916; it could contain 40,000 men, but in reality the prisoners always turned out to be higher in number. The worst moment occurred after the breakthrough at Caporetto, when thousands of Italian soldiers arrived at the camp, mostly wounded and weakened by the deprivations imposed by the war: between November 1917 and May 1918, 334 died. Attached to the prison camp there was the cemetery built by Italian prisoners, where 2,363 bodies of our soldiers including Gaetano were buried.
Gaetano was married to Angela Pacia and had two sons Gabriele and Antonio. Among his descendants we remember Antonio's daughters: Gaetana, Clorinda and Rita Marotta.
![]() Nome lista caduti |
![]() 30 Rgt Brigata Pisa |
![]() Cartolina Brigata Pisa |
![]() Sigmundsherberg mappa |
![]() Nome nella lista dei morti a Sigmundsherberg |
![]() Cartolina Campo prigionia Sigmundsherberg |
![]() Sigmunsherberg come era ed e' |
![]() Numero Soldati sepolti a Sigmundsherberg |
![]() Monumento Caduti Italiani a Sigmundsherberg |
Angelo Mazzocca
Erroneously reported as Mazzocchi in the annals he was the son of Giovanni Mazzocca and Maria Volino. He was enrolled in the 145th Infantry Regiment. The 145 regiment together with the 146th was part of the Catania brigade in the 61st Division.
Angelo was one of the "boys of '99" because he was born on 8 April 1899. He fell on 13 April 1918 at Porte del Taglio near San Dona' del Piave.
In mid-January 1918 the Brigade is located between Meolo and Casale sul Sile (south-east of Treviso), under the 61st division. Between 24 January and 21 February the "Catania" operates across the Piave, between San Donà and Musile (in the Cà di Rosa-Cà Gradenigo stretch), then in March - after a period of rest - it is back on line in same sector. Here the regiments alternate until the Battle of the Solstice.
![]() Nome lista Caduti |
![]() Mappa Posizione 61 Divisione |
![]() Graffiti Soldati 145 reggimento |
Carmine Manfredi
Born in Moschiano on 7 April 1895 to Aniello and Anna Manfredi, he was the brother of Vincenzo Manfredi who died during the Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo.
Served the country in the 8th Bersaglieri Rgt, 6th Brigade - Serial number 618 -
For his exploits during the Battle of the Solstice he was decorated with the Bronze Medal for Military Valor with the following motivation
"Orderman of a company, tirelessly and with singular courage through areas hit by enemy artillery, machine gun and rifle fire, he scrupulously carried out his service. Surrounded by the adversary, he opened a passage and ran to warn the company commander of a serious, imminent threat to one flank of the department.
La Fossa (Basso Piave), 16 June 1918".
This is the description of the involvement of the 8 Bersaglieri during the Battle of the Solstice:
"On June 15th the brigade rushed into line on the Piave. The battalions of the 8th Bersaglieri were immediately involved in the extremely violent fight. The XII committed themselves and counterattacked overwhelming enemy forces at the Fossa, forcing them to retreat; they then tenaciously resisted the conquered positions in particular standing out at the "Gaetano" stronghold.
The following day, with his sides exposed, exposed to machine gun fire and once again violently attacked, he did not give in. The XXXVII, launched against C. Verduri and then against Fagarè, occupies them with overwhelming ardor which allows it to reach the Regio del Piave embankment, but on the 16th it is forced to abandon it under the strong pressure of the opposing infantry. One of its units and the 59th machine gun company of the regiment defended themselves strenuously on the same day in the stronghold of S. Biagio di Callalta, surrendering only after a long and heroic struggle. The remnants of the battalion stop there in desperate resistance. «
After the war he returned to be a farmer in Moschiano where he married Eleonora Addeo (sister of Gilberto Addeo who died during the VIII battle of the Isonzo).
Carmine and Eleonora (Norina) and they had 7 children (Anna, Felicia, Vincenza, Aniello, Vincenzo, Gilberto, Salvatore).
Died of natural causes in Moschiano on 2 December 1963. He rests in Moschiano in the family chapel
![]() Carmine Manfredi |
![]() Foglio matricolare |
![]() 8 Rgt Bersaglieri |
![]() Motivazione Medaglia al VM |
![]() C Manfredi Medaglia Bronzo - Retro |
![]() C Manfredi Medaglia bronzo - Fronte |
![]() Battaglia solstizio |
![]() Battaglia Solstizio - Zona La Fossa-Zenson 15-17 Giugno |
![]() 16giugno1918_sera |
![]() Famiglia Carmine Manfredi 1944 ca |
![]() C Manfredi Croce di Guerra |
Domenico Santaniello
Son of Michele and Rosa Santaniello Domenico was born on 15 September 1889.
Infantry lieutenant was promoted to lieutenant with effective date 21 January 1917. He served in the 92nd Basilicata Brigade Regiment.
In the battle of the Solstice he was engaged with his regiment on the Grappa front with the Fourth Army. For his act during the attack of the Austro-Hungarians on 13-18 June he received the Bronze Medal for Military Valor with the following motivation:
«Lieutenant of territorial militia 92 infantry regiment - Commander of a company, he led it with the second wave to attack an important position he occupied, helping to take numerous prisoners and capture rich war booty - Col Moschin (Bassano) 16 June 1918»
Excerpt from the account of that battle from the army report:
«On the 15th the enemy, after violent artillery fire, manages to occupy a part of the Grappa resistance line and conquer the stretch with a fierce fight: Col Moschin, - Col Fenilon - Col Fagheron. Reinforcements then arrive (a battalion of the 91st, two of the 92nd and the IX assault unit) who stem the enemy offensive and retake the Fenilon. On June 16th our violent counter-attacks led to the reconquest of almost all the ground lost the day before. In the early hours of the 17th the I/92nd and units of the IX assault unit attacked the Col Moschin trenches with enthusiasm and courage and reconquered them, capturing 250 prisoners and much war material.»
After the war he returned to teaching literature subjects and in 1935 he was available to the Ministry for teaching in the colonies. In the following years he settled in Naples with his family and became principal of the Salvator Rosa Professional Institute.
He was the brother of Lauro, Pellegrino, Pasqualina, Lucia and Antonietta and had a son Luigi. Until his death he regularly returned to Moschiano to visit his relatives.
![]() Cartolina 92 Reggimento |
![]() Motivazione medaglia al VM |
![]() Veduta Gruppo del Monte grappa con luoghi battaglia |
![]() Operazioni Fronte Grappa durante Battaglia del Solstizio |
![]() A disposizione Ministero |
![]() Promozione Tenente |
Mario D'Amore
Originally from Moschiano, before moving to Naples, Mario and his family lived in a building on Via San Rocco now owned by the Settembre family.
A career officer during the First World War he was Major of the 46th Field Artillery Regiment. There is an 11-page War Office book about this regiment published in 1935.
He distinguished himself on the Grappa during the battle of Vittorio Veneto and was decorated with the Bronze Medal for military valor with the following motivation:
"During the course of an offensive action that lasted several days, although in very difficult terrain conditions, he knew how to use the regiment, of which he had tactical command, in order to obtain maximum fire efficiency, going first to recognize the access roads to the subsequent positions, under the violent fire of enemy artillery, and giving a good demonstration of calm, contempt for danger and courage. - Monte Grappa, 24 October - 2 November 1918"
In October 1922 the Bronze Medal was changed to a Silver Medal with the motivation slightly changed.
In 1927 he was Lieutenant Colonel with an annual salary of 16,000 lire. In 1934 he was promoted to Colonel
He never returned to Moschiano.
![]() Motivazione medaglia VM |
![]() Mappa battaglia |
![]() Commutazione Medaglia |
![]() Stipendio |
![]() Promozione a Colonnello |
Felice Dalia
Born in Moschiano on 27 September 1898. Enlisted in the 17th Acqui Brigade Infantry Regiment.
This brigade was almost completely decimated on the Tagliamento near Madrisio during the retreat from Caporetto. Only 650 soldiers will remain of the 17th regiment. Rebuilt in February 1918, it was used on the plateaus during the battle of Vittorio Veneto. It is in these places where Felice will probably fall ill and return to Moschiano where he will die on 23 July 1918
![]() Nome in Albo Caduti |
![]() Cartolina 17 Rgt Brigata Acqui |
Gaetano Dalia
Soldier of the 158 Liguria Brigade Infantry Regiment. He was born in Moschiano on 22 April 1880. He died of illness in a small field hospital after the war ended on 28 November 1918.
During the last days of the War, the Liguria Brigade operated first between the Pasubio and Vallarsa sectors, between Trentino and Veneto and finally in the Monte Corno sector. The armistice caught her in Rovereto.
![]() Nome in Albo Caduti |
![]() Cartolina 158 Rgt Fanteria Liguria |
Antonio Bruscino
Antonio was Andrea's son and was enrolled in the Royal Carabinieri Legion of Bari.
Born in Moschiano on 18 December 1887, he died here due to illness during the war on 24 December 1918. He was the brother of Donna Maria and Donna Diamante Bruscino as well as uncle of Donna Sisina (Teresa), Donna Irma and Donna Anna Laura Palumbieri
![]() Nome albo Caduti |
![]() Cartolina Carabinieri Reali - Legione di BAri |
![]() Lapide tomba |